Atlantic Yards Camera Club

Adrian Kinloch of Brit in Brooklyn and Tracy Collins of Not Another F*cking Blog share their thoughts on photoblogging and talk about the Web Cam that is documenting the demolition at the Atlantic Yards site.

Vodpod videos no longer available.


Keith Wagstaff of Williamsburg is Dead talks to artist William Powhida and Don Carroll of Jack the Pelican Presents about the state of the art scene in Williamsburg today.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Williamsburg has long ago hit the “tipping point.” If and when the Broadway musical based on the ‘Burg comes out, rather than a dramatic ending, in tragedy and death, like Rent, the ‘Burg will, more likely, fade and crumble without a whimper, burdened under its own ennui and the pressures of the real estate boom.

To read the full article in the Brooklyn Rail go here.


Brenda Becker of Prospect: A Year in the Park and Charles Star of Hawthorne Street, debate the pros and cons of a new 20-story building slated to be built on Lincoln Road, adjacent to Prospect Park.
Vodpod videos no longer available.

What disturbed me about the nascent debate over this flagship of skyscrapery in PLG was the opinion expressed by some that Brooklyn would have “arrived” once Prospect Park was virtually ringed with towers, in the manner of (its vastly inferior rough draft) Central Park. The vision of Vaux and Olmsted was explicitly that harried urbanites could refresh their souls in a place from which the city was mysteriously cloaked and hidden.

Read the full article here.